Friday, September 12, 2008

Hello She Does Hair Friends! (Shipping Code No Longer Valid As of Sept 22nd)

Hi there,
First I want to thank my new friend over at She does hair for sending all her friends our way. Welcome to our blog. We love making new friends and meeting new people. If you are an old Chloe Reese customer please go to our FAVORITE hair style idea blog EVER to see what we mean and enter to win 3 different Chloe Reese giveaways. Whether you're new to Chloe Reese or a long time, loyal customer, we are offering a Chloe Reese FREE shipping offer. (No Longer Valid As of Sept 22nd)When you check out at enter in she does hair in the party code and we will refund your shipping expense (so you might as well go with priority right?). If you select mail a check simply subtract the shipping from your total. Let's get to know each other. Leave a comment and say hello.


Kim and Corey Nasfell said...

Oh my goodness...I am in LOVE with ALL of your stuff!!!!! I have been trying my hand at making my own hair things for my little girls but they pale in comparison to your fabulousness!! I've been a long time viewer of She Does Hair and was thrilled with her latest post about your giveaway! Awesome! Now I just need to talk my husband into letting me buy a bunch of your clippies and headbands and everything!! :)

Linda said...

This is a generous offer and you do an excellent I just have to decide what I "need".

Morgen said...

I love your stuff! I found you thru my friend who is doing an online party and my hubby hates her for it:) I have 2 boys and now a 9m girl..I never thought I would be girly..but I am going crazy. Any advice on how to get her to keep the bows and stuff on her head?!
I am not a stalker I promise but I swear I know you:) I grew up in Sugar but I read on your family blog you aren't from there...but you did go to ricks...and you cashiered at walmart...was that the rexburg walmart? Cuz I went to ricks and was a csm at the rexburg walmart from 1997 to 2000. anyway, you just look really familiar! ok, now that you think I am crazy...I am gonna go...

Janis said...

I thought I was a bow/hair accesory freak(that's a great thing of course)....I am learning that there are alot more out there than me. :)

I love your headband that is the chiffon ribbon with flowers attached to it. It really gives the little girls hair a great look. My sister in law gets married in a couple months and I think you might have some things that will help us out with the little girls hair.

It's great to have found your website. Thanks to "She does hair"