The New Website Is Done I tell you. Go to and check it out. We also have a new blog (with very few posts at this point).... but more to come. We will be having sales and giveaways and all that good stuff. Sign up to follow us so you don't miss out on anything.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Friday, September 24, 2010
It's Time
To announce our NEW WEBSITE!'s not done yet. :( But I'm letting you see a sneak peek). It will be easier, cuter, tons of new products, and actually let you check out without problems. I thought it was nice to add the problem free check out this time around. Until it is done can still shop at Chloe Reese but we will probably have to invoice you for your total. We will take good care of you and make sure you are more than happy. Trust me... if you're on my mailing list or follow our blog we will let you know when it is up and running. And...if you like my pictures - you know who the genius is right? Skye Johansen. And she doesn't pay me to say all these nice things. I just love her style.
Posted by Unknown 2 comments
Dang Gina Givaway!
Hey Everyone, if you've been waiting for a giveaway from Chloe Reese you're in luck. Just go to
and enter to win one of our fabulous cheetah pettiskirts, an Andee Lew long sleeve tee, and of course some of our fav. accessories.
Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
Introducing Cysie Kellen
Meet my new baby girl. We have been just eating up every minute with her. If you want to know who the genius is who took these amazing pictures go to
Posted by Unknown 4 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Pettiskirts Are Here...
But in limited supply. Here are a couple of pics to check out. You can purchase them at Ogden Quilted Bear located in the Newgate Mall. They are $24.00. Go Fast...before they are gone.
Posted by Unknown 1 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Where in the World....
Have I been? Life is a little bit crazy these days but this morning while doing my makeup I thought you should start blogging again. Life is going to be crazy for a lot longer so you just better take the bull by the horns and get going. Here I am. I've got lots of random things to share most of them have nothing to do with hair accessories but I'm sure you'll enjoy them just as much. Here goes:
I have found the best toothpaste ever.
It is called Crest Scope Outlast. I'm not kidding. I found this stuff around Thanksgiving time and was in love at first brush. It leaves your teeth minty fresh for hours. I LOVE IT. I told all my extended family about it and have made a lot of converts. I wonder if Crest will start giving me coupons for being such a marketer.... Anyway, one brother-in-law commented after his trial that. "My teeth have gone from butter yellow to popcorn yellow." Not sure what you want to take from that but you've got to give it a go. You will not regret it. Let me know if you do or if you have and what you think.
Next item of business. I have found the best place to buy toys. Do your kids constantly make requests for things like ninja sets and blue guns and bow and arrows that won't break and horse jumping sets? If not, thank your lucky stars but our Santa and Easter Bunny are worn out from trying to please these hard-to-please youngsters. Santa can make anything they say, but alas, never brings them exactly what they wanted. Because blue guns don't exist...I thought...Until my visit yesterday to KINGS! I'm not kidding. I was complaining to my sis-in-law about how Wal-mart is discontinuing all the things I like to buy and it really is chapping my hide. She said I should try Kings for toys. I did and wowsers. It was amazing. They had blue guns. Blue I tell you. Jumping horse sets, ninja sets, ninja turtle sets.... all the things my boys have been asking for for the last two years of gift receiving holidays and have never gotten because I can't find them. I had to call my husband and have him coax me out of emptying our bank account in one visit. Anyway, if you're having a hard time finding specific toy requests give Kings a shot. I wasn't disappointed.
Now I've shared my latest finds I'm asking for help from you. I need new shoes. Let me preface this by saying I AM SHORT. I will not wear flats. They make me feel super duper short and I hate that. I am looking for both black and brown shoes that I can wear on a daily basis without breaking my ankles, that are somewhat comfortable (see I'm not that picky) that have a wedge or huge base or any kind of height inducing qualities. Do they make shoes like this anymore? I have looked quite a bit and all I'm finding is heels, flats galore, and flip flops. Do people not wear regular brown and black shoes anymore? Please update me on where to find these extinct shoes. I don't want grandma ones either. Am I being specific enough?
p.s. no promises but I plan on posting at least one more time this year :)
Posted by Unknown 2 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Remember These?
There are many fabric flower fans out there. You know who you are. If you loved the now discontinued fabric flowers there are a couple left.
They are $5.00 left
I have:
4 maroon
1 bright pink
1 yellow
First come first served. If you want them send me an email.
First Class shipping is $3.00
Posted by Unknown 1 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
New At Chloe Reese
It's been a seriously long time since I've updated the blog. Not to worry, I've been hard at work... just not blogging about it. We have the latest and greatest new Chloe Reese products up on the site. Go and check them out. Let me know what you think!
Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
And the Winner Is...
Natalie Nelson. Congrats Natalie.
True Random Number Generator
Send us an email with your address and we'll get it in the mail.
Thanks everyone for entering. Hope you're having a great summer!
Posted by Unknown 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Feeling Vintage?
We've got some new things at and we're in the mood to celebrate. I love new things, I love starting a new book, getting new clothes (who doesn't?), starting a new project. New is just good.
With the start of summer I'm excited about NEW. I've printed off chore charts with the hopes of actually sticking to them, I've set new goals for myself, and before I get downtrodden with reality I'm going to kick off the summer with a very vintage giveaway with some of our NEWEST products. Tell your friends and family so they can join in on the fun too.
This black vintage flower has a vintage button center, sassy feather, and has both a hair clip and a pin so you can wear them in your hair, on your hat, bag, jacket, or dress.You can mix and match the clips with the light pink band for a variety of looks.
To enter go to and tell us your favorite product, we know it's difficult but try and narrow it down to your ultimate fav. (not favs). Leave a comment with your fav product before the 8th and we'll post the winner on Monday, June 8th.
The Breakdown of what you're getting. light pink infant crochet hat (now a better size), brand new vintage and pearl clip in pink, large adjustable pale yellow with leaves baby breath headband, turquoise layered flower, light pink stretch band, brown velvet and pearl pinch clip, set of super sweet bright pink sequin bows on pinch clips, natural soft leather rose clip/pin, black layered flower with vintage button and feather clip/pin. (scroll below to see ideas on how to wear the new pin/clips.)
That's a lot of info but that's not all. Right now we are doing a special on our newest vintage and pearl clips. Regularly $7.00 on sale for $5.00 until June 8th. Go to to check out all the color options.
Posted by Unknown 41 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Blessing Gowns
We've got blessing gowns on the website. Tell all your friends and family who have a new baby girl. Baby Boy tuxedos in white and black are coming soon too.
Posted by Unknown 1 comments